User Documentation
+ Collaboration diagram for Summary:

'summary' is a generic function used to produce summary statistics of any data table. The function invokes particular 'methods' from the MADlib library to provide an overview of the data.

The summary function can be invoked in the following way:
SELECT MADlib.summary
    source_table            TEXT,       -- Source table name (Required)
    output_table            TEXT,       -- Output table name (Required)
    target_cols             TEXT,       -- Comma separated columns for which summary is desired
                                        --      (Default: NULL - produces result for all columns)
    grouping_cols           TEXT,       -- Comma separated columns on which to group results
                                        --      (Default: NULL - provides summary on complete table)
    get_distinct            BOOLEAN,    -- Are distinct values required?
                                        --      (Default: True)
    get_quartiles           BOOLEAN,    -- Are quartiles required?
                                        --      (Default: True)
    ntile_array             FLOAT8[],   -- Array of quantile values to compute
                                        --      (Default: NULL - Quantile array not included)
    how_many_mfv            INTEGER,    -- How many most-frequent-values to compute?
                                        --      (Default: 10)
    get_estimates           BOOLEAN     -- Should we produce exact or estimated values?
)                                       --      (Default: True)


The output of the function is a composite type containing: ouput_table TEXT, -- Name of the output table row_count INT4, -- Number of rows in the output table duration FLOAT8 -- Time taken (in seconds) to compute the summary

The summary stastics are stored in the 'output_table' relation provided in the arguments. The relation 'output_table' can contain the following table (presence of some columns depends on the argument values)

    - group_by_column       : Group-by column names (NULL if none provided)
    - group_by_value        : Values of the Group-by column (NULL if no grouping)
    - target_column         : Targeted column values for which summary is requested
    - column_number         : Physical column number for the target column, as described in pg_attribute
    - data_type             : Data type of target column. Standard GPDB descriptors will be displayed
    - row_count             : Number of rows for the target column
    - distinct_values       : Number of distinct values in the target column
    - missing_values        : Number of missing values in the target column
    - blank_values          : Number of blank values (blanks are defined by the regular expression '^\w*$')
    - fraction_missing      : Percentage of total rows that are missing. Will be expressed as a decimal (e.g. 0.3)
    - fraction_blank        : Percentage of total rows that are blank. Will be expressed as a decimal (e.g. 0.3)
    - mean                  : Mean value of target column (if target is numeric, else NULL)
    - variance              : Variance of target columns (if target is numeric, else NULL for strings)
    - min                   : Min value of target column (for strings this is the length of the shortest string)
    - max                   : Max value of target column (for strings this is the length of the longest string)
    - first_quartile        : First quartile (25th percentile, only for numeric columns)
    - median                : Median value of target column (if target is numeric, else NULL)
    - third_quartile        : Third quartile (25th percentile, only for numeric columns)
    - quantile_array        : Percentile values corresponding to ntile_array
    - most_frequent_values  : Most frequent values
    - mfv_frequencies       : Frequency of the most frequent values 

The output can be obtained as

sql> SELECT * FROM 'output_table';

The usage information can be obtained at any time directly from the function using

sql> SELECT summary('usage');